On-site training can offer significant savings when compared with sending multiple people to public seminars when all expenses are taken into account. Private seminar for a minimum of 5 or 6 people are typically cost effective.
By hosting a seminar at your plant you eliminate employee travel expenses.
Our instructor can work around the particular scheduling demands of your plant.
When having a seminar on-site, peripheral personnel who otherwise would not attend can be introduced to this technology.
The sessions can be organized to concentrate on specific material that directly applies to your plant's equipment and will incorporate the instrumentation and software used at your facility.
With training conducted “in your house" for only your employees, all discussions are, in effect, private.
An optional extra day of training is available for hands-on data collection and analysis of actual machinery at your plant.
The world-renowned Technical Associates' Illustrated Vibration Diagnostic Wall Chart covering 48 typical machine faults will remain at your facility as a handy reference for your employees.
Phone support is open from 8 to 5.
Feel free to give us a call.