This Deluxe Self-Study Preparation (DSPC) course will prepare the student for “real world” challenges they expect to face in the everyday managing of a vibration analysis program. The information is essential for the implementation and maintenance of a successful vibration monitoring program. It also favorably addresses two desires expressed by seminar students; the desire for more training time and a desire to perform well on the certification exam.
This course allows students time, before taking the full on-location class, to gain extra training from self-study.
This optional Deluxe Seminar Preparation package will ease the learning curve in class, build confidence, and make for an enhanced class experience.
The Deluxe Seminar Preparation Package includes:
The seminar book is pre-shipped to you to an address in the continental USA when purchased two weeks or more before the seminar start date.
Bring it to class, you will need it. A second book will not be provided at the seminar site.
This reference book provides a generic view of essential information for a beginning vibration analyst. It provides real-world applications for vibration equipment and enables a new analyst to gain familiarity with the ideas surrounding vibration analysis. The book provides an in-depth look at topics including:
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Phone support is open from 8 to 5.
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