Before his retirement in 2023, Jim Berry, President of Technical Associates of Charlotte directed the company started by his parents in 1961 to excellence within the Vibration Analysis Community. Now that he is retired from his role as President, he is excited for his next chapter as Chairman of our new and pioneering TECHNICAL ASSOCIATES EXCELLENCE COMMUNITY (TAEC). The TAEC will represent a diverse group within the Vibration Analysis realm and will provide these practitioners a collaborative community to analyze, identify, and correct many of the procedural and cultural issues in plants today.
"We envision the TAEC growing into a national 'community' where we will hold regional community group meetings, and then bring those community groups together each year at a national conference, with the goal to network and share ideas on how we can address this major problem that confronts our nation and impacts the families living within it." -- Jim Berry, Chairman, TAEC
A mixture of previous students of Technical Associates seminars
Key clients and practitioners who are in the field everyday facing these issues
A group of 7-10 people from diverse backgrounds and expertise on the initial Board
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